Buyer & Seller Resources
During a real estate transaction, you as a buyer or a seller, may need to provide information to keep the process moving toward closing. The following documents are available for your convenience.
Contract to Close Steps
1. Buyer Loves House! The Borrower Gets Pre-Approved.
The contract is signed and dated by both parties, earnest money is deposited and the contract is sent to both Kingdom Title and the Lender.
2. Kingdom Title Begins the Title and Escrow Process
Intro Documents Sent to Buyer/Seller
Kingdom Orders Search
Title Officer Examines Search to Determine Insurability
Commitment & Pre-CD Sent to Lender
Release of Liens, Deed Ordered, Survey Ordered
Pay Off Figures Ordered, Give Reports/Invoices to Kingdom
3. Lender Begins Underwriting
Verification of: Employment, Bank Deposits, Credit Check
Appraisal Ordered to Confirm Property Value
Underwriting Completed and Loan Approved
Lender Gives Clear to Close to Kingdom Title
4. Kingdom Title & Lender Confirms Figures for Closing Disclosure
Kingdom Title Schedules Buyer & Seller to Sign Closing Documents
Lender Sends Closing Disclosure to Buyer *3 Days Before Signing
Kingdom Gives Final Figures and Wiring Instructions to Buyer
Lender Sends Closing Package to Kingdom Title
Closing Documents Signed by Buyer & Seller
Signed Docs Sent to Lender for Final Approval
Title Updated to Ensure No New Liens Have Filed
Lender Approves and Sends Funds to Kingdom Title
Signed Deed & Mortgage Taken to County Courthouse to be Filed
Kingdom Disburses Funds
5. Congratulations! It’s Moving Day!
View and Download the Contract to Close PDF
Additional Forms to Download
Buyer Resources
Buyer Authorization Form
Download PDF Form
Seller Resouces
Seller Authorization Form
Download PDF Form
“On behalf of MSL Realty, I wanted to say thank you for all Kingdom Title has done to help make the home buying and selling process easier for our clients. Your staff is exceptional! From the friendly person who takes the title order, to the escrow agent who is always one step ahead of the deal, to the marketing representative who makes sure our clients are informed and satisfied at the end of the deal, to the owner who is there for any issue that may come up, I wanted to let you know how much we appreciate all that you do. I would highly recommend Kingdom Title for any transaction due to your attention to detail in always getting the job done. Thank you! Thank you!”
Joy Molnar
Owner, MSL Realty - Wadsworth, OH